The aquarium really has not changed all that much since last week, the major difference was the drop in water level and a dramatic increase in algae. Shown left are some pictures of the algae, mostly showing green algae (the "pods" are called Cosmarian) and diatoms (How to Know The Freshwater Algae by G.W.Prescott). The other algae was not identifiable. The moss is mostly dead with little new growth while the carnivorous plant's growth has slowed, but it is still thriving. Another Midge larvae has appeared in the aquarium, it was making a sort of cocoon, perhaps, out of sediment. A juvenile Rotifer was photographed (shown right, the pod with a clear membrane, note the mandible shape on it) (Rotifers by Joseph Donner). Another creature was seen (yellow sphere) but was not identified. I also managed to get a clear photograph of another organism who was previously identified in one of my videos (yellow sphere with lines coming out from it called an Acanthocystis). Finally, a Arscella was also photographed (center) (Free Living Freshwater Protozoa: a Colour Guide by D.J. Patterson).
Bibliography: (used in all 5 blogs)
Free LIving Freshwater Protozoa: a Colour Guide by D.J. Patterson
Algae of the Western Great Lakes Area by G.W. Prescott
Rotifers by Joseph Donner
How to Know the Freshwater Algae by G.W. Prescott
Pennak's Freshawater Invertebrates of the United States by Douglas Grant Smith
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